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Polyurethane Foam Injections for Concrete Raising

January 20, 2011

Problems with Sunken Concrete:  Sunken concrete slabs create problems for building owners.   Not only are they expensive to replace, sunken slabs can also interrupt the functionality of a commercial space.   Warehouse floors are especially impacted by sunken concrete surfaces.  

Expanding polymer foams are now replacing cement grout for raising concrete.  Not only are they super-lightweight, urethane foams harden within minutes, allowing the concrete to be immediately used by forklifts and other heavy traffic.    

Some of the notable qualities of closed-cell polyurethane foam include:

  • Lightweight: With densities ranging between 2 to 10 lbs/cubic foot, polyurethane foam is much lighter than traditional cement grouts, which can weight between 100 to 150 lbs/cubic foot.   This lightweight characteristic will minimally overburden the soils below, greatly limiting future settlement potential. 
  • Fast-Settling:  Polyurethane foam generally hardens within 15 minutes.  This benefit is greatly realized for lifting concrete highways, where traffic impact is a major factor in construction considerations. 
  • Smaller Injection Holes:  5/8" holes as opposed to 1-1/2" for traditional slabjacking.  The holes are also spaced much further apart for polyurethane injections, resulting in much less concrete drilling. 
  • Less Impact: The work is generally much cleaner than traditional concrete raising.  Once the polyurethane injections are complete, the crew can simply pack up and prepare to demobilize.  There is no equipment cleaning necessary with polyurethane work. 
  • Foam Insulation: Polyurethane foam provides thermal insulation to the concrete slabs.  This benefit is especially realized concrete settles within a heated area. 
  • Moisture Barrier: Closed-cell polyurethane provides a moisture barrier as well, helping reduce water migration through concrete floors. 

EFT is highly experienced with polymer foam technologies.  Contact us to see how we can help with your project.