Engineer Resources
Polyurethane injections can provide engineers with a cost-effective means of lifting settled concrete. The process works on concrete highway slabs, industrial floors, curled slabs, and even concrete sidewalks.
Due to the proprietary nature of the trade, EFT does not post technical information on polyurethane foams online. For more information, please contact us and we can help provide technical assistance to your project.
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Properties for traditional slabjacking grouts can vary depending on the mix design. Traditional cement grouts can be adjusted to modify the properties of the mix. Polyurethane grouts vary greatly from cement grouts. This chart is intended for general comparisons only.
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Specifications for helical pile installations for download.
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Foundation brackets are used to underpin existing foundation walls. These specialty brackets work with helical piles, resistance piles, and drilled hollow-bar micropiles.
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Helical piles can be a cost-effective system for supporting solar panels. Because of their vibration free installations and eco-friendly characteristics, contractors can install the helical pile supports in environmentally sensitive areas for solar projects.
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Helical piles can be used for supporting boardwalks over environmentally sensitive areas.
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Waterproofing can require the use of a variety of drainage technology. Below are some brochures for waterproofing products.
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